Weight Loss and Nutrition Counseling

Discover how healthy eating can help you reach your weight loss goals, or manage diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions.

Older African-American couple laughs together while making a healthy dinner

Eating well nourishes you and gives you fuel to live a healthy, active life. Virtua nutrition experts can guide you with personalized plans to help you reach your weight loss or health goals.

What’s the best diet to lose weight?

This is a million-dollar question, and the answer is as unique as you are. The best diet to lose weight is one that you enjoy, want to follow, and that helps you reach your goals.

You shouldn’t hate the food you eat or feel your diet is too strict.

Virtua registered dietitians work with you to understand your food preferences, exercise habits, lifestyle, and goals. Together, you’ll create a personalized plan designed specifically for you.

If your plan needs to include fast food or your favorite treat, it will! And we’ll give you real-life recommendations on the healthiest choices at your go-to restaurants.

We can even teach you how to eat a piece of chocolate so you learn to savor and enjoy its decadence without needing to eat a whole candy bar.

How does a healthy diet improve conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or GI disorders like celiac or Crohn’s disease?

Virtua registered dietitians understand diet’s crucial role in improving serious health conditions.

Depending on your condition, you might need to make dietary changes to feel better, ease symptoms, and avoid serious complications. This could include following a low-salt or low-sugar diet, or avoiding foods that worsen your symptoms.

We teach you how to track your food and symptoms, including how to use easy-to-navigate food-tracking phone apps. Then, we evaluate your diet and help you make adjustments to reduce or avoid triggers.

Our goal is to help you manage your medical condition successfully through diet changes without making you feel restricted or deprived.

Virtua Weight-Loss and Nutrition Specialists

Virtua nutrition experts offer weight loss, diabetes management, and nutrition counseling at five convenient locations.

Weight-Loss and Nutrition Counseling at Virtua

Virtua registered dietitians are your partners on your weight-loss journey and work one-on-one with you. Our registered dietitians help you make the positive lifestyle changes necessary to live your healthiest life.

Virtua Complete Weight Management Program

We know that losing weight is more than looking better – it’s about feeling better, inside and out.

Virtua’s Complete Weight Management Program offers a comprehensive, personalized approach to weight loss that is medically supervised and backed by science.

Our board-certified obesity medicine experts will review all weight loss options and develop a plan that works best for you based on your health history, health status, and goals. As part of the program, you’ll also receive support from behavioral health specialists, registered dietitians, exercise physiologists and navigators.

Weight-Loss Coaching 

We offer individual weight-loss coaching sessions to help you learn how to lose weight or eat healthier. If you pursue bariatric weight-loss surgery, we support you in making diet, nutrition, and behavior changes to support lifelong success.

At your first appointment, your registered dietitian will get to know you. You’ll talk about your current diet, exercise habits, and personal goals, and discuss what motivates you.

Your visit also includes:

  • A personal nutrition assessment
  • Body composition and metabolic rate analysis
  • Discussion on the benefits of food tracking and how to do it
  • Prioritization of your goals and the plan for achieving them

During your follow-up visits, we continue to evaluate your body composition and metabolic rate. We also discuss your successes and struggles.

Since weight loss is a journey, it’s realistic to expect that there will be ups and downs. We support you through your challenges and adjust your plan to help you overcome them. And we celebrate your successes and non-scale victories!

Sports Nutrition

Athletes have different nutritional needs, whether you’re playing competitive soccer or training to run a marathon.

Virtua registered dietitians can help you reach your peak performance. We help you create an eating plan to support your goals, like gaining muscle or improving endurance.

We also help you learn what and when to eat to support your training and active days.

Nutrition Counseling

If you’re managing a chronic condition, we can help you reach your individual nutrition goals and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

You will meet with a registered dietitian who understands your food preferences and health needs. We’ll help you make healthy choices and develop a unique nutrition strategy that fits your lifestyle.

We provide nutrition counseling for a range of medical conditions, including:

  • Dysphagia (trouble swallowing)
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Kidney disease
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
  • Gastroparesis (paralysis of the stomach)
  • Crohn's disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Food allergies/sensitivities
  • Cancer

Diabetes Nutrition Care

If you have diabetes, our specialized experts can help you choose healthy foods to manage and even reverse symptoms. Our diabetes experts are registered dietitians who are also certified diabetes educators.

If you have type 2 diabetes, we teach you about the principles of healthy eating, which include:

  • Eating meals and snacks at planned times to keep your blood sugar level stable
  • Choosing healthy foods to support a healthy weight and heart
  • Consuming foods with nutrients that are beneficial for regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol
  • Learning how to make dining out and eating your favorite foods part of your healthy eating plan

If a primary care provider or endocrinologist refers you, we can share your plan and progress and make adjustments as needed.

Virtua Weight Loss and Nutrition Counseling Locations

Virtua’s registered dietitians provide care at locations throughout Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties.

The Virtua Difference for Weight Loss and Nutrition Counseling

Recognized diabetes care

The American Diabetes Association recognizes Virtua's diabetes program for offering high-quality diabetes self-management education, which is an essential component of effective diabetes treatment.

Recognized diabetes care

The American Diabetes Association recognizes Virtua's diabetes program for offering high-quality diabetes self-management education, which is an essential component of effective diabetes treatment.

Team players in your success after bariatric surgery

Virtua registered dietitians are part of Virtua’s bariatric surgery center of excellence, designated by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP). Our dietitians guide you throughout your bariatric surgery journey and support you in making nutritional changes for lifelong weight loss.

Team players in your success after bariatric surgery

Virtua registered dietitians are part of Virtua’s bariatric surgery center of excellence, designated by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP). Our dietitians guide you throughout your bariatric surgery journey and support you in making nutritional changes for lifelong weight loss.

Convenient, accessible care

Our registered dietitians offer convenient evening and weekend hours. For added flexibility, we also provide telehealth appointments for people who are in New Jersey.

Convenient, accessible care

Our registered dietitians offer convenient evening and weekend hours. For added flexibility, we also provide telehealth appointments for people who are in New Jersey.

Schedule an appointment

Virtua registered dietitians offer in-person and telehealth appointments for a range of weight-loss and nutrition services.