Rita S. Veterano
Senior Vice President of Integrated Care Management and Home Health Services

Rita Veterano oversees system-wide case management, utilization management and home health services. Her team also supports Virtua Medical Group with psychotherapy, social work services and clinical triage. Prior to transitioning into this role, Veterano served as Virtua’s Vice President of Integrated Care Management. Veterano is an accomplished healthcare leader with over 35 years of experience. In previous positions, she participated in case management and social work services; contracting and credentialing for managed care; and overseeing healthcare services for school-age children. A graduate of Methodist School of Nursing, her clinical experience includes critical care, medical/surgical and ambulatory health care. Veterano is Six Sigma coach certified and green belt trained. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and Master of Science in Health Administration with academic distinction from the University of St. Francis. Veterano is a member of the American Nurses Association and serves on the board of Memorial Ambulatory Surgical Center.