General Surgery Residency Program
We develop highly skilled and knowledgeable surgeons, equipped to excel in the ever-evolving field of general surgery.

While Virtua General Surgery is a new residency program, it sits at the confluence of both new and old, gaining the benefits of each. Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital has hosted surgical residents for decades on the general surgery, transplant, and vascular surgery services.
About Our General Surgery Residency Program
The Virtua General Surgery Residency Program is where innovation meets tradition. With Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital’s decades-long history of hosting surgical residents in general surgery, transplant, and vascular surgery services, our program is built on a strong foundation. Our esteemed academic leadership, with extensive experience from renowned academic institutions, ensures a rich, dynamic learning environment for our residents.
At the Virtua General Surgery Residency Program, we are committed to achieving exceptional outcomes:
- Developing outstanding knowledge and technical skills to effectively manage patients with a wide range of surgical conditions.
- Providing residents with extensive experiences and in-depth training across various settings and diverse populations.
- Teaching residents to tailor patient management based on acuity and individual patient values and beliefs.
- Fostering critical thinking, interpersonal communication, teaching, research, information systems, practice management, professionalism, and lifelong learning.
- Expanding the surgical knowledge base through scientific inquiry.
- Preparing residents to practice within diverse communities and healthcare delivery systems.
- Equipping residents for success in a wide variety of career paths.
- Promoting wellness among our residents and educational community, ensuring resident satisfaction throughout their training.
Why Choose the Virtua General Surgery Residency?
Top-Tier Facilities
Residents of the Virtua General Surgery Residency Program will have the opportunity to work at 3 of Virtua’s 5 hospitals, benefitting both from their standards for quality care and from exposure to a diverse set of clinical experiences.
Top-Tier Facilities
Residents of the Virtua General Surgery Residency Program will have the opportunity to work at 3 of Virtua’s 5 hospitals, benefitting both from their standards for quality care and from exposure to a diverse set of clinical experiences.
Prestigious Academic Affiliation
As a new program, the Virtua General Surgery Residency has the backing of a very successful health care system in Virtua and the benefit of Rowan University’s growing medical academics programs. This academic alliance enables us to build out a robust academic program that includes skills development and simulation.
Prestigious Academic Affiliation
As a new program, the Virtua General Surgery Residency has the backing of a very successful health care system in Virtua and the benefit of Rowan University’s growing medical academics programs. This academic alliance enables us to build out a robust academic program that includes skills development and simulation.
Comprehensive Training
Our residents will be trained to become compassionate and intellectually oriented surgeons who have an in-depth understanding of the psycho-social and economic impact of disease as well as the role of the patient's personal beliefs and values in their health and delivery of care.
Comprehensive Training
Our residents will be trained to become compassionate and intellectually oriented surgeons who have an in-depth understanding of the psycho-social and economic impact of disease as well as the role of the patient's personal beliefs and values in their health and delivery of care.
Holistic Care
Our residents will be trained to become compassionate and intellectually oriented surgeons who have an in-depth understanding of the psycho-social and economic impact of disease as well as the role of the patient's personal beliefs and values in their health and delivery of care.
Holistic Care
Our residents will be trained to become compassionate and intellectually oriented surgeons who have an in-depth understanding of the psycho-social and economic impact of disease as well as the role of the patient's personal beliefs and values in their health and delivery of care.
Career Advancement
Our graduates will have attained the knowledge, technical skills and principles to enter the independent practice of Surgery or to seek further training in subspecialties of the field and to become productive and contributing members of their communities.
Career Advancement
Our graduates will have attained the knowledge, technical skills and principles to enter the independent practice of Surgery or to seek further training in subspecialties of the field and to become productive and contributing members of their communities.
More Information
Rotations by year:
- General Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (13 weeks)
- General Surgery – Marlton Hospital (5 weeks)
- General Surgery – Mount Holly Hospital (12 weeks)
- Breast Surgery – Voorhees (6 weeks)
- Transplant Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes (11 weeks)
- Surgery ICU (SICU) – Cooper University Hospital (5 weeks)
- Colorectal Surgery – Memorial Hospital (10 weeks)
- Bariatric Surgery – Mount Holly Hospital (10 weeks)
- Surgery ICU – Cooper University Hospital (11 weeks)
- General Surgery – Marlton Hospital (10 weeks)
- General Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (11 weeks)
- Transplant Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes (6 weeks)
- General Surgery – Marlton Hospital (10 weeks)
- General Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (11 weeks)
- Trauma – Cooper University Hospital (10 weeks)
- Breast Surgery – Voorhees (5 weeks)
- General Surgery/Bariatric Surgery – Mount Holly (10 weeks)
- General Surgery – Marlton Hospital (6 weeks)
- General Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (5 weeks)
- Vascular – Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (6 weeks)
- Transplant Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes (10 weeks)
- Pediatric Surgery – CHOP (10 weeks)
- Colorectal Surgery – Mount Holly (10 weeks)
- Elective – (5 weeks)
PGY 5 – Chief Year
- General Surgery – Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital – (10 weeks)
- Vascular Surgery - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital – (6 weeks)
- General Surgery – Marlton Hospital (5 weeks)
- Thoracic Surgery – Marlton Hospital (5 weeks)
- General Surgery – Mount Holly Hospital (10 weeks)
- Colorectal Surgery – Mount Holly Hospital (5 weeks)
- Bariatric Surgery – Mount Holly Hospital (6 weeks)
- General Surgery – Voorhees Hospital (5 weeks)
Educational Activities
Educational Activities for Virtua the 1st year of the Virtua General Surgery Residency:
Boot Camp/Orientation
When: Mid- June TBA (coordinated with Gyn and Family Med)
Where: VOLOL Physician’s Conference Center
Morbidity, Mortality, and Interesting Case Conference
When: 7 - 7:30 a.m., Tuesdays
Where: Multi-Site
Basic Science
When: 8 - 9 a.m., Wednesdays
Where: VOLOL Physicians’ Conference Room, teleconference
Topics: To coincide with the SCORE Curriculum. Topics on the calendar are estimated.
Presenter: Assigned Resident with faculty supervision
Grand Rounds
When: 7 - 8 a.m., 2nd Wednesday of every other month, with the option to expand
Where: VOLOL Physicians’ Conference Room, teleconference
Presenter: Faculty and invited guests
Skills Lab
When: 7 a.m., 3rd Wednesday of every month
Where: VOLOL Rehab Solarium
Presenter: Brendan McCracken and faculty
Critical Care, Burn, and Trauma Conference
When: 7 a.m., 1st Wednesday of every month
Where: VOLOL Physicians’ Conference Room
Presenter: Brendan McCracken, MD
Nonclinical Lectures - e.g. coding/billing, wellness/mental health, fatigue/sleep, healthcare disparities
When: 7 a.m., 2nd Wednesday of every other month alternating with Grand Rounds
Where: VOLOL Physicians’ Conference Room
Presenter: faculty
Vascular Surgery Radiology Conference
When: 7 a.m., 1st Thursday of every month
Where: VOLOL Physicians’ Conference Room
Presenter: Dean Andrew, MD
Virtua Tumor Board
When: 7 a.m. 1st, 2nd, 5th Thursday of every month
Where: virtual teleconference
Breast Cancer Conference
When: 7:30 a.m., Tuesday
Where: virtual teleconference
Rectal Cancer Conference
When: 7 a.m., 1st Wednesday of every month; 7:30 a.m., 3rd Thursday of every month
Where: virtual teleconference
Thoracic Cancer Conference
When: 7 a.m., Fridays
Where: virtual teleconference
Pancreaticobiliary Cancer Conference
When: 7 a.m., 4th Wednesday of the month
Where: virtual teleconference
Multidisciplinary Liver Conference
When: 1:30 p.m., Mondays; 7:30-9:30 a.m., Fridays
Where: virtual teleconference
Multidisciplinary Kidney Conference
When: 1 - 3 p.m., Thursdays
Where: virtual teleconference
Journal Club
When: 7 p.m., 2nd Wednesday of the month
Where: off-site location such as an attending’s house or restaurant
Presenter: Assigned Residents with faculty supervision
We will be accepting applications through ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service). Due to COVID-19, we will hold interviews this year in a virtual platform. We will hold our interviews in November, December, and January.
Applicant Eligibility CriteriaAll applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered by the Virtua General Surgery Residency Program for a PGY1 position. The criteria are strictly enforced to be fair to all applicants.
- All applications must come through the ERAS.
- No faxes or emails will be accepted. No applications will be pre-screened.
- Applicants must be currently authorized to work in the United States. Virtua will not sponsor applicants for employment visas.
- USMLE/COMLEX Steps 1 and 2 must have a passing score.
- Applicants must be graduates of LCME-approved schools.
- All applicants must be interviewed before being accepted.
For international graduates:
- ECFMG certifications must be complete
- There is no US clinical experience requirement, but it is preferred.
How do I apply?
All applications for a PGY1 position must come through ERAS. Our program is a participant in The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).
Virtua General Surgery ACGME ID: 4403300002
Virtual Interviews
All interviews will be held virtually for this recruitment season (2022-2023). Each candidate will be interviewed by members of the surgical faculty team. The structured activities begin at 7:15 a.m. and conclude by 3:30 p.m. (approximately)
Categorical Interview dates are:
- Wednesday, November 15, 2023
- Wednesday, December 6, 2023
- Friday, January 5, 2024
- Friday, January 19, 2024
What should I do to prepare for my interview?
- Please ensure that all documentation is uploaded to ERAS (i.e., three letters of recommendation, dean's letter, medical school transcripts, USMLE/COMLEX scores, personal statement, ECFMG certificate, CV, etc.).
What should I do the day of my interview?
We will begin promptly at 7:15 a.m., so plan to arrive 10 minutes early.
Are walk-ins welcome on the day of the interview?
Walk-ins will not be interviewed. The residency program requires that documents be submitted in full through ERAS. Careful consideration is applied to each candidate's documentation packet prior to their invitation and arrival for their interview. If you are interested in the program, please take the proper steps to apply through ERAS, as this will be the only way that your candidacy will be considered.
Virtual Meet & Greet
We invite you to join residents the night before each Interview Day for a Virtual Meet & Greet. The link for the meeting will be sent to your email.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions. We can be reached by email at or by phone at 856-886-6223.
We look forward to meeting you!
One of the benefits of a Virtua Health residency is access to some of the highest-performing medical facilities in the region. With five hospitals and more than 350 locations in South Jersey, Virtua provides residents with the opportunity to experience rotations in a wide variety of clinical settings with the guidance of highly qualified faculty.
As a resident of the Virtua General Surgery Residency Program, you will have the unique opportunity to work at the following Virtua facilities:
Rotations outside of Virtua Health
The residents will gain invaluable pediatric experience and surgical training at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and comprehensive trauma rotations at Cooper Health with our newly established partnerships with these renowned institutions.
Is there a formal didactic curriculum, and what is its structure?
There is protected time each Wednesday for didactics and skills labs. There are also other scattered didactics that are rotation specific.
What are the informal learning opportunities (i.e., bedside rounds, etc.)?
OR teaching, bedside rounds, morning meetings/report, etc.
What programs exist for resident education (e.g., lectures, journal clubs, grand rounds, board review courses, etc.)?
Didactics, journal club, ground rounds, tumor boards (varying services), skills labs.
Are there opportunities to do “away” rotations?
As a new program, the opportunities to do “away” rotations still lies in the future. The ability to do this will evolve as the residency evolves.
Is there a formal mentoring program for new residents, and do faculty serve as mentors?
The mentoring program is a formal program, but the assignment of mentors will take place after the first few months of residency to allow for the best possible match between mentor and mentee.
Is there enough ancillary support to minimize "scut?"
Since this is a new program, there is no culture of “scut” at any of our primary hospitals. Even Lourdes, which has hosted residents for decades, is spending a year without residents and has abandoned its resident workforce culture. This means that the program is beginning in a system that is education focused and not work focused.
Is there a possibility of "protected" time for research?
There is an expected small amount of time in each rotation that is expected to be dedicated to research. With the strengthening partnership with Rowan and the expansion of research initiatives at Virtua, more opportunities will avail themselves of residents being able to spend more time dedicated to research in the future.
What teaching responsibilities for medical students are expected of residents?
Virtua has recently increased its educational responsibilities to medical students from Rowan and PA students from St. Joseph's University (formerly University of the Sciences). This was done in the absence of residents. While residents will be expected to provide some teaching for the medical and PA students, they will be entering a culture of education where they are more the beneficiary than the benefactor.
Is moonlighting allowed?
No. Under no circumstances is moonlighting allowed.
The Virtua General Surgery Residency faculty and staff are here to help you reach your professional and academic goals as a resident. Be sure to visit their online profiles to learn more about them, their clinical interests, and more.
Brendan McCracken, MD - Program Director; Faculty in General Surgery and Critical Care
Lawrence Greenawald, MD, FACS - Associate Program Director; Core faculty in General Surgery; Site Director - Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Gregg Baranski, MD - Core faculty, General, MIS, Robotic Surgery
Joseph Costabile, MD - Core faculty, Vascular Surgery
Elizabeth Renza-Stingone, MD - Core faculty, General Surgery, MIS, and Robotic Surgery; Site Director - Virtua Mount Holly Hospital
Jamaal Shaban, DO - Core faculty, General Surgery - Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Craig Zaretsky, MD - Section Chief, General Surgery; Vice President for Clinical Operations - Surgery; Site Director - Virtua Marlton Hospital
Michael Kwiatt, MD - Site Director - Cooper Medical School of Rowan University/Cooper University HospitalYou can view a list of all the current residents in the resource below.