Student Affiliate Portal

Virtua is committed to supporting students in the advancement of their education by providing meaningful clinical experiences.
The clinical coursework experience is intended to assist your transition from the role of student to that of practitioner.
In order to obtain a student affiliation experience at Virtua, the experience must fulfill the course requirement for practicum hours, achieve the objectives of the course and your personal objectives.
Coordinators and Instructors
The following information is intended for Academic Affiliates.
Prerequisites for Academic Affiliates (new and existing)
It is an expectation that the academic institution will designate one primary and one alternate contact to coordinate student placements (and related business) with Virtua’s Affiliate Liaison.
The following prerequisites must be completed once each year before arriving the first day for clinical:
- Review the Student Clinical Affiliations Policy
- Submit the placement request for individual students or student groups
- Submit the verification of documentation checklist
- Submit a copy of liability insurance annually to Virtua legal dept. Please note: Electronic forms must be completed and/or signed by an authorized member of the faculty at the academic institution. The students name, or name of the insurance carrier is not acceptable.
Instructors and Students
- Complete the annual online competency (formerly-safety training).
- Complete the confidentiality agreement
- Review Instructors guidelines and checklist (Instructors only)
- Review Virtua’s Code of Conduct for Academic Affiliates
- Review MCH specific guidelines (as appropriate)Review Infant and Child Security guidelines (as appropriate) Review Surgical Services guidelines (as appropriate)
- Review parking instructions for assigned locations (see parking)
Please note: Students will receive links to the online competency and confidentiality agreement via email from the clinical coordinator employed by the academic institution. Instructors will receive the link to the confidentiality agreement via email from
Requesting access to Virtua facilities and systems
- Affiliates requiring access to Virtua facilities and computer systems for student groups please read: “Roster Management Guidelines” and “Requesting Student Access.”
- Complete and submit the Student Roster Spreadsheet (excel document).
Identification Badges and Login Credentials
- All Instructors will receive a Virtua ID badge
- Affiliates assigned to Maternal Child Health (OB) units will receive a color coded ID badge. All affiliates assigned to Virtua Memorial will receive a ID badge. All others are required to wear a photo ID provided by the academic institution.
- ID badges must be worn above the waist and clearly visible.
- Coordinators are required to send a digital photo of each student along with the students’ names by email to the Student Liaison at least two weeks before the students arrive.
- Instructors are required to contact the security office at the assigned location to retrieve student badges ahead of time. Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 am and from 3 to 5 pm.
- Instructors and students will receive login information via email from
Flu Vaccination
It is an expectation that Academic Affiliates will ensure students assigned to Virtua sites during October 1 to March 30 are in compliance with Virtua’ Influenza protocol. Tracking forms must be submitted to the Affiliate Liaison during semesters that fall in this time frame.
Submitting Placement Requests (dates/deadlines)
- Requests for group placements are accepted according to scheduled dates.
- Request for individual student placement are submitted according to the semester calendars.
- Review the schedule to submit group requests.
Annual Mandatory Online Competency
Instructors and students are required to complete the online annual competency.
Student Information and Instructions
The following information is intended for students enrolled in academic programs seeking unpaid internship opportunities as a required course objective. Only those students enrolled in a Virtua affiliate program will be considered for unpaid internships (if available) at approved Virtua locations.
Internships: Nursing, Pharmacy, Clinical Support, and Allied Health (undergraduate)
To be considered for an unpaid internship the following criteria will apply:
- High school graduate 18 years or older and enrolled in an academic program
- There is an affiliate agreement in place between Virtua and the academic institution.
- The purpose for the internship is required and relevant to the course of study
- The student must be in good academic standing
Before Arriving at Virtua
Eligible students must complete the following before the first day at Virtua:
- Meet with the clinical coordinator at the academic institution to confirm the learning experience desired is appropriate
- The student or clinical coordinator must submit a request for individual student placement (see student forms).
- *Students are required to complete the required health screens, drug test, and a national certified criminal back ground check. Completion must be verified by an authorized representative employed by the academic institution. (not applicable to Virtua employees)
- Review Infant and Child Security guidelines (only students assigned to maternal child health units)
- Review Surgical Services guidelines for RN students and OR Techs (as appropriate)
- Complete Virtua’s Annual Mandatory Online Competency (formerly-safety training).
- Complete the information systems confidentiality agreement (for EMR and facility access)
- Contact your Virtua Preceptor to discuss scheduling, apparel, unit specific protocols and expectations. Note: students will be notified by Virtua’s affiliate liaison when cleared for clinical with instructions and next steps
*Review the list of the medical and other prerequisites.
Parking for Students
Parking at a Virtua site may be limited depending on the assigned location. Anyone parking in patient, visitor or otherwise reserved parking areas may be subject to fines. Review parking instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Is the Difference Between an Internship and Shadowing?
An internship is a learning experience given to an eligible individual seeking to complete the requirements of an educational program who desires a limited hands-on experience for a period of more than 25 hours. Only students fulfilling educational program requirements will be considered for academic affiliate internships.
Shadowing is observation only. At the present time Virtua does not offer shadowing opportunities to fulfill personal (not required) objectives. This statement includes students related to Virtua employees until further notice.
Can I Contact the Academic Affiliate Liaison Directly?
Virtua requires the academic institution to designate a contact (on staff) to liaise with Virtua’s coordinators. Students are encouraged to work with the coordinator/ instructor assigned by the academic institution to obtain information, answer questions, and to ensure prerequisites are met as required.
How Long Does It Take To Process My Individual Placement Request?
The length of time can vary depending on the number of pending requests, department/resource availability, and current status of the affiliate agreement between the academic institution and Virtua. We will try to process as many requests as possible while maintaining patient care as our first priority.
Where Do I Find the Information for the Required Health Screenings?
Many of the questions relate to your childhood vaccinations, Annual PPD (with negative results), and Drug screening (with negative results) and must be kept up to date. A copy of these records must be provided for consideration of placement. You may obtain these records from your family physician or the academic institutions health center.
How Will I Be Notified if Accepted?
Students will receive notification of acceptance from an authorized designee from the academic institution or via email from Virtua’s Liaison.