Types of Bariatric Surgery
Virtua offers minimally invasive and robotic bariatric surgeries to provide safe, effective weight-loss options.

Choosing the best type of bariatric surgery is a decision you and your doctor will make together. A Virtua bariatric surgeon will discuss the options with you and explain how each surgery can help you reach your weight-loss goals.
What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery that makes permanent changes to your stomach or small intestine to help you lose weight.
The procedures use techniques such as restriction, malabsorption, or both to help you meet your weight loss goals.
- Restriction techniques limit how much food your stomach can hold.
- Malabsorption techniques limit the absorption of calories and nutrients from the food you eat.
Am I a candidate for bariatric surgery?
The Virtua bariatric surgery team follows guidelines supported by the National Institutes of Health to determine if you’re a candidate for bariatric surgery. Rather than weight, we use body mass index (BMI) to determine if you’re a good candidate for surgery.
You may be a candidate for surgery if:
- Your BMI is greater than 40 or between 35 and 40 with major obesity-related medical problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperchloremia (electrolyte disturbance), or sleep apnea.
- You have been unsuccessful at previous weight-loss attempts.
What are the risks of bariatric surgery?
All major surgery comes with risks, and the risks are different for each person. Virtua bariatric surgeons have excellent outcomes, which are below-national benchmark for risks. During your first appointment, your surgeon will discuss your current health and explain your risk.
Virtua Bariatric Surgery Providers
Virtua's board-certified bariatric surgeons provide minimally invasive and robotic options for gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, duodenal, and modified duodenal switch (SADI-S) surgeries.
Types of Bariatric Surgery at Virtua
Virtua surgeons provide minimally invasive and robotic bariatric surgery options, including:
Gastric sleeve surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) is the most common bariatric surgery performed at Virtua and in the U.S. During the procedure, the surgeon removes about 80 percent of your stomach. When finished, your stomach looks like a tube or sleeve that’s about the size of a small banana.
By making your stomach smaller, gastric sleeve surgery restricts how much food you can eat. It also reduces the production of ghrelin, a hormone that makes you feel hungry.
Gastric bypass surgery
Gastric bypass is a more aggressive option than gastric sleeve surgery. But, it typically provides greater weight loss and helps resolve type 2 diabetes for most patients.
During gastric bypass surgery, your stomach is reduced to an egg-sized pouch. This dramatically limits the amount of food and beverages you can comfortably consume at one time.
The new pouch is connected to the small intestines, bypassing the first portion of the small intestines. This limits the absorption of calories and nutrients.
Duodenal switch surgery
Duodenal switch surgery uses both restriction and malabsorption techniques.
As in gastric sleeve surgery, about 60 to 70% of the stomach is removed, leaving a "sleeve" that restricts how much food you can eat.
Then, like gastric bypass, the sleeve is connected to the small intestines, bypassing the first portion of the small intestines. This limits the absorption of calories and nutrients.
Modified duodenal switch surgery (SADI-S)
SADI-S is a newer procedure that uses both restrictive and malabsorption techniques, and it’s typically done in two separate procedures.
First, gastric sleeve surgery removes approximately 80% of the stomach to restrict the amount of food you can eat.
After about 6 months, a malabsorption surgery called an intestinal bypass completes the process. This procedure bypasses all but 10 feet of your small intestine. It also strictly limits the calories and nutrients you can absorb from food.
Bariatric revision surgery
Bariatric revision surgery is used to repair or improve a previous bariatric surgery procedure. Even though you’ve already had bariatric surgery, a revision might be necessary if you’ve gained back weight or your weight loss slowed significantly or stopped.
Benefits of Bariatric Surgery
Here are the ways, beyond weight loss, that bariatric surgery can change your life—and your health—for the better.
- Improves or resolves type 2 diabetes
- Reduces dosage or need for diabetes medications
- Lowers blood sugar
- Improves heart and coronary artery disease
- Improves cholesterol levels
- Reduces dosage or need for cholesterol medications
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke
- Improves or resolves obstructive sleep apnea
- Relieves the strain of weight on your back, hips, and knees
- Aids you if you need joint replacement and are required to lose weight before surgery
- Lowers your risk of death from any cause, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes
Virtua Bariatric Surgery Locations
Virtua offers bariatric surgery consultations and follow-up care at locations throughout Burlington and Camden counties.
Calculate your BMI
We use body mass index (BMI) as a criteria for bariatric surgery.
Types of Bariatric Surgery Quick links
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Join us for a free information session to learn more about surgical options for weight loss. Meet Virtua's board-certified bariatric surgeons, and see how bariatric surgery can help you reach your health and wellness goals.
Join Virtua’s bariatric surgery support group
If you’ve had or are planning to have bariatric surgery, you’re on the road to a healthier life. Join our free, monthly bariatric surgery support group to make the journey easier.