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TLC for Moms (Postpartum Depression Support)

• Due to the holidays, we will not be holding our meetings on 12/25 and 1/1. Hope you enjoy the Holidays.


Are you anxious…about being a new mother? …feeling OVERWHELMED with the new baby? Looking for other mother to talk to?

TLC (Talking, Listening, Caring) for Moms provides support and encouragement for new moms dealing with the stress of parenthood. Group sessions are free, confidential and conducted by a professional.
Join us at a TLC for Moms virtual session. You don’t have to work this out alone.

Taking care of a new baby is hard work and there may be times when you feel sad, anxious, or overwhelmed. If so, you are not alone. In fact, about 80% of women have “baby blues” after childbirth and about 10-15% develop postpartum depression. That’s where TLC for Moms can help. You don’t have to work this out alone - Give us a call if you need help.

We hope you are doing well

When: Weekly, Weds. 12:00pm – 1:30pm

In-Person- Virtua Voorhees Hospital
100 Bowman Drive
Holman Conference Center (Lobby B)
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Virtual Access- (same time as in person)

To register and receive instructions on how to attend this group via in person or phone/video, please contact Lisa Smith at 856-247-2230 or

TLC for Moms warm line: 1-866-380-2229
Telephone Support- Monday-Friday 9:00am until 5:00pm

Fee: $ 0.00