‘Astronomical Changes’: Brain Stimulation Therapy Lifts Ashley’s Depression
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a safe and effective treatment for people living with severe depression or bipolar disorder.

A high school basketball player, licensed phlebotomist, and outdoor enthusiast, Ashley Golia seemed to have a happy, well-adjusted life. Behind the scenes, though, she struggled with anxiety and depression.
“After my first child was born, I was good mentally. I don’t know what happened, but after the birth of my second one, I went into a manic state,” said Ashley. “It was really scary. I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and admitted to the hospital.”
Today, Ashley is doing better thanks to a type of brain stimulation called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
Accepted Treatment for Depression
ECT is used to treat people with major depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental health conditions who do not respond to other therapies.
ECT works by delivering a brief electrical current to the brain. Anesthesia and a muscle relaxer are given so the person is asleep and does not feel anything during the procedure.
“There are circuits in the brain that modulate mood. When stimulated with the current, they appear to normalize, relieving symptoms,” said John Case, MD, clinical vice president of Virtua Behavioral Health. “For many people, ECT is the first thing that really helps them and is the most effective treatment for depression.”
However, Dr. Case says individuals who may benefit from ECT often don’t get it because they associate it with the shock treatments in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
“ECT has not been featured well in the movies,” said Ashley. “I can’t begin to tell you how life-changing it is. It’s not scary at all. You don’t feel anything. Everybody has noticed an astronomical change in me. I feel more positive, more motivated.”
A World of Difference
Ashley said she was prescribed medication as part of her therapy, but none completely resolved her condition. She was hospitalized several times, and after a suicide attempt that Ashley thinks was a side effect of one of her medicines, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Ashley believes the ECT treatments have made a world of difference in her life.
“It’s pure hell going through all these mental health crises and trying different medications. Some have helped, but didn’t resolve anything,” she said. “ECT has been such a godsend, such a lifesaver to me, and the people at Virtua have been angels.”
Ashley said her memory is sometimes fuzzy the day after treatment, but the upsides of ECT outweigh the side effect. ECT, in combination with medication and counseling, has helped improve her relationships, and she now has the energy for family and doing the things she enjoys.
“ECT has opened pathways so that I want to get better and better. My household is more positive. I’m excited about furthering my career,” she said. “I’ve been able to do everything you dream you could do.”
Could You Benefit From ECT?
ECT is the most effective treatment for severe depression and can help improve your quality of life. To schedule a consultation, call 609-914-6550 or email VirtuaECT@virtua.org.
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