5 Things You're Too Embarrassed to Tell Your OBGYN
Here are five common concerns you should share with your doctor, even if confronting those awkward issues make you blush.

By Stacy McCrosson, MD, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Virtua OB/GYN
How do I talk to my OB/GYN about embarrassing or uncomfortable concerns?
It can feel awkward to discuss personal concerns during an annual GYN exam. Whether it’s questions about odors, bumps, or incontinence, many women hold back until the very end of their appointment. Here are five common issues that merit discussion with your OB/GYN:
A strong vaginal odor can signal an infection, though it doesn’t necessarily indicate a severe issue or sexually transmitted infection (STI). Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection, and it’s easily treated. To help prevent infections, avoid activities that encourage bacterial growth, such as douching, soaking in baths, or wearing thongs.
Vaginal discharge is normal, consisting of dead cells the vagina naturally sheds. However, the amount can differ significantly among women, leading some to feel concerned if they need pantyliners daily while others don’t. Changes in color, consistency, or any accompanying symptoms, like odor or discomfort, can indicate an infection, which your doctor can assess with a pelvic exam.
Lumps and bumps
Discovering a lump or bump can spur anxiety, often leading to assumptions about STIs. However, many lumps, such as ingrown hairs, blocked sweat glands, or pimples, are benign. If you shave your pubic area, be sure to use a clean razor specifically for that purpose to minimize the risk of transferring bacteria.
Incontinence, or leaking urine, is common, especially after childbirth or as you age. Factors like reduced estrogen in post-menopausal women and weakened pelvic floor muscles contribute to this issue. If you often find yourself crossing your legs when you cough or sneeze, discuss it with your provider, as various treatments are available.
Problems with sex
Women often experience decreased desire, difficulty with arousal or orgasm, or even pain with sex at some point in their lives. We understand that pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction influence both physical and emotional health, and, fortunately, most cases are treatable. We want to talk about it with you.
Get your concerns addressed before your annual exam
You don’t have to wait for your yearly exam to address these issues. Feel free to make an appointment at any time. If you prefer to wait, inform the office staff that you have a specific concern to discuss. They can allocate more time for your visit. Generally, the first or last appointment of the day may give you more time to talk with your provider.
It’s perfectly OK to feel embarrassed—you can voice this to your GYN provider. However, it’s crucial to discuss your concerns openly. Relying on self-diagnosis can lead to unnecessary worry. Many patients arrive fearing the worst when their symptoms may be perfectly normal or easily treatable.
Schedule an OB/GYN appointment
Call a Virtua women's health navigator at 844-896-6367 to find a provider who meets your needs.
Find a Virtua OB/GYN practice near you and schedule an appointment. Virtua OB/GYNs, nurse practitioners, and midwives offer flexible appointment schedules at locations throughout Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester Counties.
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